Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Ga-Adangbe people are found in the Accra plains. They are found in the border area with Togo directly east of Ho. The Adangbes are found the east, the Ga group to the west of the Accra Coast lands. Although the languages are derived from a common Proto-Ga-Adangbe ancestral language, modern Ga and Adangbe are mutually unintelligible. The modern Ga-Adangbe people include the people of Shai, La, Ningo, Kpone, Osudoku, Krobo, Gbugble and, around the central part of Accra, whiles others live in Togo.kwekudee-tripdownmemorylane.blogspot.com

pouring libation
The Ga people celebrate the homowo festival that means ’hooting at hunger’. This festival originated severally centuries ago, when the Ga people experienced severe hunger and so,  the passing of this terrible period was marked by this festival every year. The Ada’s celebrate the ‘Asafotufiami’- an annual warrior’s celebration from the last Thursday of July to the first to weekend of August to commemorate victory and the warrior’s and those who died during the battle. Their priests and priestesses in whom they believe in act as mediators between the gods, ancestors and the living. They pour libation during festivities. 

fishing as an occupation
In terms of the economy, most Ga-Adangbe people are fishermen, fishmongers and farmers. Agriculture is the leading sector of the district. It provides employment for about 51 percent of the adult population and a means of livelihood. The women are also noted for the weaving of mats and salt mining.

Music and sports forms part of the culture of Ga people. Music includes drumming and dancing. ‘kpanlogo’ is one of the traditional dance styles. Ga’s are also known for having boxing as a sport. Bukom is a town considered as the mecca of boxing in Ghana known to have produced great boxers as ‘bukom banku’ among others.

kpanlogo dance.

Rite of passage cannot be left out in this culture. From Shai and Krobo people, the dipo is the formal age-old practiced rites of passage for matured women in the twenties. This was originally designed as a formal marriage training. Another important aspect is their funeral celebration and processions.  They believe that when an individual dies, he moves on to another live and so, they spend a lot of money on funerals and fanciful coffins.

A young girl in dipo outfit

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